Produced by Nashville’s Alyssa Bonagura and featuring her legendary parents, Kathie Baillie and Michael Bonagura, ‘Heroes and Heroines’, the empowering new single from Jade Helliwell is one of the most uplifting anthemic tracks of 2023! Along with its inspiring message, it captivates listeners with its infectious melody and powerful vocals.
A song about hope and recognising the heroes and heroines we come across in our daily lives. They’re not your typical superheroes from movies, but rather regular people who show incredible strength and courage. It’s a shout-out to our everyday heroes, like single parents hustling for their families, people who break free from toxic relationships, risk-taking entrepreneurs chasing their dreams, and individuals fighting health battles with resilience and determination. Jade hopes the song connects and inspires each listener, and encourages a deep appreciation for the courageous people in their lives and how in reality we are all each others “Heroes & Heroines”.
“I was so honoured to work with some of my favourite people on this track. I co-wrote it with one of my best girls Jess Thristan. We had discussed the song idea while on tour together in February and it was so fun to bring
that idea to life in the writing room. When we finished I instantly knew I wanted this song to be out in the world. The incredible talent that is Alyssa Bonagura produced and mixed the track as well as lending her vocals and bringing in her exceptionally talented parents and boyfriend to layer vocals and guitars. She worked on the song at her Nashville studio. I’ve been such a fan of Alyssa’s music and production for so long so it is amazing to be able to work alongside her and have her involvement in this track. I feel she completely captured the energy of the song and manages to evoke a feeling of euphoria in the track. The mastering was done by Dan Shike at Tone & Volume Mastering over in Nashville (he mastered the entire Woman EP) . He always gives it that extra touch each song is looking for so it was a pleasure to work with him again on Heroes & Heroines” – JADE HELLIWELL
Talking about the collaboration, Alyssa said “It has been such a joy working with Jade – She’s a powerhouse vocalist, a great songwriter, and a lovely person! This song was so much fun to produce for her because it has such an uplifting and empowering message – I think it will inspire a lot of people. I’m really proud that I was able to help bring her song to life in an anthemic way. It’s always fun for me to produce other artists outside of my own material and even more fun when its a powerful female like Jade! I hope we get to do more together!”